Join Us For St. Joseph’s Butterfly Lunch 2024


Join us on the 21st of June, the longest Day of the year for the 2024 Butterfly Lunch, a joyous event, celebrating the wonderful care given at St. Joseph’s Shankill.  Funds raised will provide essential  dementia specific furniture for our lodges & common areas, audio visual, sensory equipment, home improvements and activities support to enhance the daily quality of life of our residents & day care members.  

If you would like to support us by providing an Auction or Raffle Prize please get in touch with Siobhan by email:

Butterfly (Instagram Post)

Can’t Make it to our Butterfly Lunch??  Why not support us through a donation, or gift towards our Auction & Raffle Prizes!

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Deborah veale, Mari O'Leary and Gwen Chapple at 2023 Butterfly Lunch. Pic: Marc O'Sullivan