St Joseph’s Day Care

Day Care at St. Joseph’s


At St Joseph’s we offer a wonderful day care service 5 days a week, to people living with dementia who are living at home in the community.  We call this service ‘The Club’ and our day begins at 9am, and when people are welcomed and join their friends in the wide range of activities, sing, dance and of course share a cuppa with new friends. A three course lunch is also provided every day.

We are the first day care service in Ireland to be awarded the Meaningful Care Matters; Butterfly Approach accreditation, in October 2022.

If you would like to apply to attend this wonderful service, the first step is to contact your Public Health Nurse. This is usually done through your GP.

Your main contact with us will be our Day Care Manager, Minda DeGuzman, and she works alongside, Stephanie, Kathleen, Sarah and Carmel.

Your Public Health Nurse will send a written referral to us. When we receive it, Stephanie or another staff member will contact you to arrange an assessment of your needs.

Your assessment will be carried out at The Club at an agreed time and date, when you can come and have tour of The Club meet the staff and complete some relevant paper work.

Hopefully you will feel able to join us in some activities, during your visit. If we feel The Club is suited to your needs and you wish to attend, we will agree specific days for you to attend.

We adhere to all the Covid 19 infection control precautions in accordance with current HSE guidelines to keep everyone safe.

You’ll find further information about our Day Care Service here.

Contact: Minda De Guzman



Direct Dial: +353 1 271 9208 Monday-Friday 8.30am – 16.30pm

Mobile: +353 87 663 7917 Monday-Friday 8.30am – 16.30pm

Main Reception Email:

P and M