
Our volunteers matter to us because they make moments matter for the people in our care.


Our volunteers come from all walks of life, age groups and life experiences.  Every volunteer is important to us.

You may never have interacted with someone living with dementia and you may be a little apprehensive. For others, our home may be very familiar and it can also evoke very emotional experiences. Whatever experience you may have had in the past, everyone always has a first day here in Saint Joseph’s Shankill and our Volunteer Support Team, staff and families are with you every step of the way.

We can honestly say that you will gain more from your experience here by making a difference, meeting new people, having fun and being part of your local community.

We are very grateful to our donors through the Community Foundation of Ireland for their generosity in supporting our Volunteer and Community programme.     

We are delighted to be the first nursing home in Ireland to achieve and renew the Investing in Volunteers quality mark.

Investing in Volunteers aims to improve the quality of the volunteering experience for all volunteers and demonstrates that organisations value the enormous contribution made by their volunteers.  Investing in Volunteers is delivered in partnership with Volunteer Now.

Our current volunteer roles 

Mealtime Companion 

Bon Appetit! Join the team to support residents in our late experience lodges at mealtimes. You’ll assist residents with their lunch from 12.30pm to 1.30pm (Monday to Friday). Training provided.

Help us bring Virtual Reality to our home!

We have Rendever (a Virtual Reality system for older people) in our home. That’s where we need your help! It’s a super way to connect with the people in our care. You can travel to anywhere in the world, such as going on safari or swimming with dolphins all from the comfort of an armchair.

Your role will involve visiting one of our lodges (where people at the same stage of dementia live together). You’ll set up the Rendever system and engage with the people who live in that particular lodge. Don’t be put off by the word technology though! Training will be provided and it’s very easy to operate. So what are you waiting for?! You can make a huge difference in the lives of people living with dementia.

Magic Table Volunteer – bring technology to our home!

What’s a Magic Table you might ask? Well…it’s a tabletop projector with lots of interactive games and activities. It’s a great way to connect with the people in our care. Sometimes we have a little bit too much fun and it can get competitive when we play tabletop football!

Your role will involve visiting one of our lodges (where people at the same stage of dementia live together). You’ll set up the Magic Table and engage with the people who live in that particular lodge. Don’t be put off by the word technology though! Training will be provided and it’s very easy to operate.

Lodge Volunteers / House Buddy

Home is where the heart is. You will volunteer alongside staff and other volunteers on your designated day to support the people living in one of our lodges. There are six lodges in Saint Joseph’s which are each home to people at a similar stage of dementia. Volunteers are there to spend time with the people in our care. Tasks may include having a chat, doing arts and crafts, painting nails, hand massage, singing songs, playing bingo or having a dance. The sky really is the limit! Join our family at St Joseph’s where you’ll make a huge difference in the lives of people living with dementia.

Buddy Volunteer

Spend time with your ‘Buddy’ and make moments matter for them. Visit your buddy each week to have a chat, go for a walk in the grounds of Saint Joseph’s, have a sing song or have a laugh together. The sky’s the limit but you’ll be making a huge difference.

Hand Massage Volunteer

We all love some relaxation and a bit of pampering. Hand massage is very therapeutic and can create a pleasant and relaxing experience. Join our volunteer team and make moments matter for the people in our care.

Musician/Entertainer Volunteer

Do-Re-Mi…calling all performers!!!! Do you play a musical instrument or are you a singer? Do you have another performing arts talent that could entertain small or large groups of people? Perhaps you are a magician or a poet, a juggler, a ventriloquist, an amateur drama group or maybe you simply enjoy tickling the ivories and singing a few tunes. If you have a talent and would like to share it with the people who live in St Joseph’s, why not volunteer with us today?

Get in touch if you would like to volunteer with us.


Volunteers must adhere to hand hygiene policy of Bare Below the Elbows, which includes no nail varnish or gel nails, watches/bracelets or stoned rings.

Meet some of our amazing Volunteer Team!


Pre-COVID Ann was a Reception Volunteer and helped at our fundraising events. She also helped out with our mask making during the lockdowns and was a member of our Volunteer Committee. She is currently a Meet and Greet Volunteer and one of our Butterfly Buddies for new volunteers.

Having worked full time for 38 years I took a voluntary redundancy package in 2013. I took a year out before committing to any volunteering. An article in the Scan Magazine about Saint Joseph’s and their need for volunteers piqued my interest and I got in touch. I enjoyed my stints on Reception pre-Covid 19 and look forward to returning there in person whenever Public Health Rules allow. Assisting at fundraising events has been rewarding and I got to meet one of my heroes, Norah Casey.  I have been amazed by the fantastic atmosphere in Saint Joseph’s and the dedication of staff and volunteers. I had assumed it would be a gloomy place but in fact it truly is a ‘Home from Home’ for the residents.

How to volunteer with us

For Volunteer Roles in St Joseph’s:

      1. Contact us by email: volunteer@sjog.ie or on 01 282 3000 to have a chat about volunteering with us or complete the Expression of Interest form and we will contact you.
      2. Complete our Volunteer Application Form
      3. Complete our Garda Vetting Form (if applicable – this will depend on your role) and provide two proofs of identity/address
      4. Once your application is accepted (following reference checks and Garda Vetting, where applicable) you will be invited to an Induction and Orientation session with other new volunteers
      5. Next you’ll need to complete mandatory training.
      6. Then you’re ready to start volunteering with us with the support of staff and other volunteers (if you wish you will also have a Butterfly Buddy to help you settle in – that’s another volunteer in the same or similar role to you)
      7. We’ll check-in to see how you’re settling in.


Join the best volunteer team there is!


Or why not encourage your company or workplace to get involved with us?  Find out more about Corporate Support and volunteering HERE

If you are interested in volunteering please contact us on 01 282 3000 or by email: volunteer@sjog.ie